
"Our initiative not only holds immense promise for Belize but also presents opportunities for economic growth and innovation beyond our borders."

Ervin M. Perez

Founding Partner, Managing Director

Founded in 2011, our company was born out of the shared vision of  Mr. Ervin M. Perez and Mr. Shaun Finnetty, who met while working at ScotiaBank. Concerned about the future of Belize and inspired by the desire to leave a legacy for their children, they delved into discussions about making a positive difference.

Mr. Perez’s passion for finance and markets, combined with Mr. Finnetty’s strategic thinking, led them to establish a trading market in 2012. They aimed to raise capital through an IPO, providing entrepreneurs with the resources to fuel their ventures. Their goal was to create an ecosystem that would empower individuals, foster innovation, and drive economic growth.

Overcoming challenges, they introduced the concept of municipal bonds, transforming municipal revenue into liquid assets. Belize City Council took the courageous step of embracing this new financial approach, paving the way for further expansion into St. Catherines.

From 2012 to 2021, Mr. Perez diligently lobbied for legislation to build the infrastructure for a liquid market in Belize. Recognizing the importance of supportive laws and regulations, he tirelessly advocated for change.

Today, our company, known as Legacy, collaborates with Alpha, our sister company, to establish a thriving capital market. This initiative not only holds immense promise for Belize but also presents opportunities for economic growth and innovation beyond its borders.

Meet Our Founders

Legacy Fund: Financial, Trading & Tech Innovation Expertise

Managing Director | Founding Partner

Investment Services

Legacy Fund: Financial, Trading & Tech Innovation Expertise

Managing Director | Founding Partner

Investment Services


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